Monday, March 1, 2010

Coupon/Sales totals for last week of Feb.....

A pretty good coupon week I must say.... soup or cereal anyone?

spent 12.11
saved 189.50

Harris Teeter:
spent 6.49
saved 38.00

spent 18.03
saved 56.45

spent 36.63
saved 283.95


KK and Company said...

Okay... when can I come along and observe? I am being serious!! When do you go grocery shopping? I have got to learn this!!

Kenningtons said...

WHAT???!!! How in the world did you only spend $12.11 and save nearly $200 at the same time???!!! WHAT?!! AMAZING!!! I was patting myself on the back when I saved $10 on diapers...too bad I still spent $90 in the process. I have some serious coupon learning to do. You and Kris should teach a class....just sayin'!

Kris said...

Sweet! Here's to robbing the stores LEGALLY!!!

Laura said...

LOL. I had no idea you're a "couponer" too!!

tenney_fam said...

Gotta love those coupons!