I TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!
School just started and already I don't know what to do with myself! I really didn't think this time would come so soon. I thought I'd always have a little one at home.... for many more yrs anyways. And for many more years, I thought I'd keep saying "I can't wait for them to just go to school!".
But here I am. A stay at home mom with no kids to stay at home with. Sure I could get a job... but just Tuesday I was called to pick up Reese from school early because already he was sick. And I stayed home with him yesterday because he was still sick. So I can't just get a job. Not yet anyways.
So I'm at a loss.
And for some reason totally unrelated, I am having the hardest time sleeping.
So my schedule today has been:
4:00am- Jon gets a call for work. WHAT THE CRAP?!!? Okay I'm awake
4-4:45am- lay in bed wishing I couldve gone back to sleep but knowing it's hopeless
4:45am- get up and dressed for workout
5:00-6:15am- out for a jog/walk 5miles
6:15-7:30am- kids up and fed/dressed, lunches made and out the door to catch the bus
7:30-9:00am- lay im bed wishing I could fall asleep..dozing in and out maybe two times for a minute
9:00-10:30am- FINALLY dozing off.. still waking up a bit but still a nap nontheless
10:30-11:20am- worked on South Nash Dash social media stuff
11:20-12:00pm- ran to Kroger for milk and Thortons for a diet coke
And now..????? I did microwave some lunch, practised a song for a special number on Sunday and I'm blogging while watching Pride and Prejudice.
And counting down til the kids come home.
And tomorrow we start again!
So now I need to find out what I want to do with the rest of my life....
Get into some sort of routine..
Make a schedule..
Clean my house!!..
Catch up on sleep..
Find out who I am between the hours of 7:30-3:30.
I know in time I will come to enjoy this. But for now, it's going to be a new and difficult adjustment for me.