Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to School....

Back to school.
Back to school,
to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool.
I got my lunch packed up,
my boots tied tight,
I hope I don't get in a fight.
Ohhhh, back to school.
Back to school.
Back to school.
Well, here goes nothing.

Not exactly like Billy Madison BUT my babies went back to school today!
Reese went into 2nd grade and Rielly who was just born yesterday went into kindergarten!
Where did the summer go?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I took them this morning since its a brand new school for both of them and can I just say... CHAOS!!!!!!!
After 30minutes of driving around trying to find a place, I ended up just driving into grass across the street. Not sure if I was supposed to but someone else did...
Both of the kids teachers seem very nice and they had no problems saying goodbye to me.
Since it was only a half day, I decided to go ahead and let them ride the bus home. I had a talk with Reese about how he's the big brother and he needed to take care of his sister on the bus and he took that responsibility very seriously! The bus was 20minutes late BUT they both came running off with huge smiles on their face.
1st day of school was a success!!!

And I did well too! No tears at all. I went to the gym to do some weights which always leave me feeling unfulfilled....
Oh and I'm doing a little side work for my friend Kristy by helping promote a 5k coming up in september ( so I worked for awhile setting up twitter and facebook updates. This will be nice to make a little extra $$ but also will keep me busy during the day for the first few months.

So summer is over and 2010/2011 year has begun!!!! Guess it's time to start planning next years summer vacation!

My goofy kids can't smile on demand... just like mama! And no thats not the lighting on the camera-- they are really THAT TAN! Stinkin lucky kids!!!


Anonymous said...

What fun what fun!!! First day of school was always exciting

Kris said...

I was just marvelling at how tan they are!

I have a recommendation for while they're gone- TAKE A NAP!!! Do it for me & report back how wonderful it was, K?