WHAT???!!! How in the world did you only spend $12.11 and save nearly $200 at the same time???!!! WHAT?!! AMAZING!!! I was patting myself on the back when I saved $10 on diapers...too bad I still spent $90 in the process. I have some serious coupon learning to do. You and Kris should teach a class....just sayin'!
We have been a family for going on 13 years now, having been joined by 2 children in that time and we are living in Nashville, TN! We love our lives.. the hardships, the struggles, the joys and the laughter. It's forever so we might as well have fun! Enjoy the days of our lives as crazy as they may be!!
Okay... when can I come along and observe? I am being serious!! When do you go grocery shopping? I have got to learn this!!
WHAT???!!! How in the world did you only spend $12.11 and save nearly $200 at the same time???!!! WHAT?!! AMAZING!!! I was patting myself on the back when I saved $10 on diapers...too bad I still spent $90 in the process. I have some serious coupon learning to do. You and Kris should teach a class....just sayin'!
Sweet! Here's to robbing the stores LEGALLY!!!
LOL. I had no idea you're a "couponer" too!!
Gotta love those coupons!
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