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My poor kiddo!
This kid! She has had a run of tough luck this week. Like my previous post stated, Rielly came down with a kidney infection. It caused a real high fever, lots of pain peeing (standard UTI symptoms), throwing up, pain, etc... So the dr put her on meds to take care of that. Great. Knock it out. Done deal. The fever would go away and then come back and then go away again and then come back. It started getting real concerning so this morning when she had a 101.9 temp after 3 days of meds, I thought maybe we should get her checked out again. There has to be something else going on here. Also she was coughing a lot so maybe a cold but better be safe. So another co-pay later (man this is getting expensive!), they swabbed her and she came back positive for the flu. The dr said because of the test, most likely it is the H1N1 virus. Good grief!!!!So basically all we can do right now is lots of fluids and tylenol and advil alternating every 4hrs. She did get a prescription for tamiflu but it's $70 and is only good for the first 48hrs and her symptoms are so mild now that I opted to just hold off.Let's hope and pray this is the end!!! So much for her fall break huh??
Oh wow! No fun, for you or her, I hope next week is better for you.
Holy crap! I hope that adorable little beauty gets better soon. I hope none of the rest of you get it!
Poor thing. There isn't anything worse than watching your kids be so sick. I hope she's better soon. Theron's on his fall break and is sick with a nasty cold. Not fun...
Poor Reilly! Please give her lots of hugs from all of us! :)
WOW!! Poor little thing!! I really hope she starts feeling better soon and that you and the rest of your family are not affected by the flu.
Poor girl! I hope she's doing better! We just had a long week with the flu going around here. May this week be lots better for all of us!
Oh, and I just made my blog private, but I realized I don't have your email to invite you. If you'd like an invitation, could you please email me at
Have a great day!
Poor Rielly!
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