Phil Vassar at the Tin Roof
CD Release and signing party!!!
Yes my friends- I was there! Right in front of the stage.. up close and personal! And he was amazing! And beautiful!! Very entertaining! And best of all? IT WAS FREE!!!!
Who is Phil Vassar you ask? Repent and then google!
This is why I LOVE Nashville!!!!
God bless country music!!! (stop gagging you haters!) lol

Jen and I.. SUPER excited to be there!!!!! This girl rocks!!!

Phil and Mr Craig Wisemen (again.. google!)

Abby and Aunt Jackie- Abby wasn't sleeping. Just refusing to get her picture taken!

Look how stinkin close I was! And how pretty he is!

Yup.. plays his own music. *sigh*

His guitar player.. amazing

Walking by me..

We're in a picture together!!!

Another band member. That hair rocks! Apparently it changes colors.

He's a Rockin!!!
My friends Mikal, Abby and Jennifer with Phil and the beautiful Burberry Scarf!!!
I am SO absolutely jealous of everything this post means. I can't believe you got to see Phil SO up close! Yes, nashville has some REAL perks!!!
Who's Phil Vasser?
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