Dinner was at a yummy resturant called the Old Spaghetti Factory. Very cool!!! Nice, dim, well decorated- pretty romantic!
And then we saw Coyote Ugly!!!! We had to go in! I absolutely loved that movie and Nashville has the very first Coyote Ugly (and probably the origional barstools... yuck). There was no cover so we went to check it out!!!
Very cool! Very smokey too.. we could only stay for so long. But long enough to check out the girls dancing "Devil Went Down to GA" on the bar! YEHAW!!!
A Nashville favorite.. the famous Wildhorse Saloon. Someday I will go in!!!!!
Then Jon took me for a walk on the bridge in downtown. I hate bridges but this was absolutely perfect and of course I felt safe:) It was pretty empty and the view is absolutely breathtaking of Nashville at night!

I LOVE this town!!!!!!!!!!!

The coolest ending to our date was when we were smooching on the bridge, we heard some popping sounds. SO we turned around and there were fireworks going off over the water. Can you just say WOW?!?!?!?! Magical and just perfect! I was with my best friend and eternal companion and it was seriously one of the best nights of our lives! It's all about the little things my friends!
PS- sorry I'm so behind on posting. I have a lot to catch up on....
I was wondering where you've been, but it appears that you've been busy being all lovey-dovey with your hubby-man. Good for you! A date- what's that like? Sigh....
Glad you enjoyed it baby :) It WAS a magical night :)
ohhh and I totally planned the fireworks... set em off with my blackberry while you were busy ignoring the bridge.
Fun! :D
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