Since this is our first year in Nashville, we decided to just enjoy a nice quiet simple Christmas at home.
So on Christmas eve night, we read the Christmas story, put out some cookies for Santa and the kids wrote him a note.
No wonder the dude is BIG!
So Santa came that night bringing things they wanted and didn't know they wanted. Rielly got a pillow pet (she was begging for that!) and Reese got the Star Wars trilogy and pretrilogy on dvd. Now we can finally delete them from our dvr. Plus Santa brought them each a wii game and each a board game.
And he ate the cookies and left them a note back saying thankyou and to be good! Needless to say, they were quite excited that Santa even came. Sometimes naughty kids get a second chance.
Reese for some odd reason, really wanted highlighters.
And something sure made them happy! I think it was those darn zhu zhu pets. (keep them away from hair.. it will hurt!)
Rielly got a baby doll in my attempt to keep her loving girly toys
And my little Star Wars man wouldn't be complete without a full on Storm Troopers get up
And daddy got some good smelling stuff.. I think this is more a gift for mommy!!
Reese decided to buy Rielly a new hippo... she got her last hippo last yr from Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Laurice and it has pretty much been a constant companion and it shows!!! So we thought maybe she could retired him and have some new ones. Nope-- it's now a family of hippos!
And this kid really wanted an alarm clock. A dream come true he said. Oh the days of simple dreams!
My sweet grandma gave Jon a chuch VHS tape- pretty cool except we don't have a tape player. Guess we'll have to find someone who still does.
And mommy got what she reallllly wanted! The COACH perfume!! Seriously.. it smells GOOOOD!!! And it goes with last yrs gift.. remember the infamous Coach bag???
We made the kids clean up a bit of garbage in between gifts. I wish I had invented wrapping paper!
And well.. I went a little overboard with video games. I'm an Amazon addict and they had some pretty rockin deals this yr. Yeah I did partake.
My Storm Trooper!!!!
We hope you all had a great Christmas this yr and a wonderful New Yrs!!!!!
Wow- you guys had a great Christmas! And guess what? We got a VHS tape from my grandma too. We also don't own a tape player. Grandmas are too cute, & so are those adorable kids of yours!
Lol. Ummm, I am a little embarrassed to admit that WE still have a VHS (though it rarely gets used). If you can't find a soul with one between You and UT, feel free to come use ours ;) j/k
We have been a family for going on 13 years now, having been joined by 2 children in that time and we are living in Nashville, TN! We love our lives.. the hardships, the struggles, the joys and the laughter. It's forever so we might as well have fun! Enjoy the days of our lives as crazy as they may be!!
Wow- you guys had a great Christmas! And guess what? We got a VHS tape from my grandma too. We also don't own a tape player. Grandmas are too cute, & so are those adorable kids of yours!
Lol. Ummm, I am a little embarrassed to admit that WE still have a VHS (though it rarely gets used). If you can't find a soul with one between You and UT, feel free to come use ours ;) j/k
Looks like you had such a fun Christmas!!
Reese and Theron would have a blast together. Theron has been into the star wars thing for about 6 months now and he loves anything to do with it.
My sister is totally addicted to Coach perfume! It really does smell very pretty. I'm glad you guys had a great Christmas.
How fun! It looks like Santa did a great job at your house. What a blessing to be able to enjoy all those wonderful things. HUGS!
Wow! Looks like you guys had a GREAT Christmas!!!
Well I got a hamster for my bday and maddie keeps calling him Zuh Zuh pet! What's up with them!?!?
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