I know it's been awhile since I've posted... yet again! Our week has been just a little nutty!
Let's start with Easter. Nice day- played the piano for Leah Mcleud to sing His Hands. I hope it went well but honestly when it comes to piano, I'm my own worst critic! That evening we had my visiting teacher and RS president Cheryl and her family over as well as my good friend Brenda and her family over for dinner. I actually cooked ya'll!!!! And people ATE IT!!!
The next morning however, it all began. Jon got a sore throat. So he stayed home- got tested for strep and it was negative. So okay we hoped that was all it was. Tuesday he stayed home in case he was contageous. Wednesday however he started getting worse. Fever, headaches, throat killing him... Wednesday night his temp was over 102 an stayed that way all Thursday as well as the chills. Thursday night I started to worry so we called my VT's husband and my friends husband over to give him a blessing. That night his fever broke thank goodness!!! So Friday he just felt like crap. So this all has kept me hopping and stressing and eating from stressing, etc!!!!! And here we are today he is still not feeling well. And I'm just ready for whatever this is to just go the heck away!!!
Last night my friend Sarahs little boy was baptised and that was very nice to go see. His dad was baptised several months ago so it was a blessing for them and pretty much everyone there to be able to witness that!
This morning I went and picked up my brother Gary who is staying in Norcross for some training. He actually lives in the North Pole, Alaska! I haven't seen him since my dads funeral so it's been nice to have him here for sure! We also went to Riellys little friend Seths bday party. They are such a cute little pair even though he's over a yr younger than her. When they are together, they are glued at the hip! I love that Rielly has little friends that she really cares for. Between Seth and her friend Brynn (both friends from church), she is a happy little girl!
Thats about it.. honestly besides Jon being sick and a little tornado scare, nothing really is going on these days. I'll post a few pics because I know this is a lot to read without any entertainment that is my family.

This is from the night of the tornado warnings. Doesn't look like much but these clouds were going all over the place and it was kinda scary!!!
Now wait a minute! How can you say nothing is happening when you're being warned about TORNADOES?!?!?!?! You non-Arizonans make me nuts, because as far as I'm concerned, anything past a monsoon rainstorm is terrifying & catastrophic. Give me 110 degrees anyday.....
By the way, send me your address & I'll send you some of those lily clips. I made 9 of them, and I seriously doubt that I'll use that many on her ever again! Let me know.
I have totally seen tornado clouds like that! It is so crazy how they move because I am just not used to seeing clouds move so much!! Sounds like you have been buisy.
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