Halloween weekend, I took a trip to Az (non refundable tickets- postponed wedding- blah blah blah) by myself to visit some friends and family. It was quick and fun and not all too eventful- I really missed my little family back in Nashville. I realized during this trip that while I can be independant on my own, my true independance is being with my family. Not sure if that makes sense but they are what makes me truely happy.
But anyways here's some pics from that weekend. It was fun being able to enjoy Mistis wards trunk or treat, going to Safford and hanging out with Anna, having a surprise party dinner with family and meet my moms fiance Hal, shop and just having plenty of time to think.

Here I am with little Madison- Ambers baby. Quite the monkey!!

Me and Misti

Me and my niece Jade

Anna Banana and I at Jims house

Can you believe that kid in the middle is my nephew? He's supposed to still be a baby!!!

Mom and me

Karissa, Quentin, me, Avery and mom

Before mom jumped in

me and Anna on our night out

Us again

Little Madison

Amber and Josh-- thanks again for breakfast!

I also got to spend an afternoon with my friend Tia that I haven't seen in like 8yrs! It was so fun to catch up! Thanks to facebook we were able to get back in touch!!

Our twinner toes
I took a bunch more pics but just wanted to throw these on here because we're going back next weekend for my moms actual wedding and I'm sure I'll be taking tons more. We're very excited for the kids to finally be able to spend time with their cousins and aunts and uncles-- they haven't been back in quite a long time!!!
The same day my mom is getting married, my grandma LaRue is also getting married so we'll be able to see it all at once. Should be... fun. Stay tuned!!!
You little stinker! I can't believe that you were in Safford & didn't at least ASK if I was going to be in the area. But I'm glad that you got to see so many people & have such a good time. I totally get what you mean about the family, though. It's just not the same without them!
Oh how fun!!! It's always good to get back to see the fam. Fun (or maybe not...) that you get to take two trips to AZ. I hope the wedding is wonderful and that everyone has an enjoyable time. Looking forward to more updates!
Looks like you had a great time! I really like that pink streak in your hair. I don't know why but it really seems to suit you.
Hey there! I am glad to see your blog! Hope all is well!!!
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