I was sick for a little while. I decided to quit caffeine and for those that know me, that was no easy task! I went from about 88oz's a day to nothing cold turkey! AHHHH! And my body sure let me have it! I had stomach problems FOR DAYS!!! But here we are 2.5weeks later and I'm feeling great!!!

I also ran the Susan G Kolman race for the cure on October 9th. It was so cool to see all the support for breast cancer awareness!! It was a 5k and of course I'm still not there to run the whole time but I still made the 3.whatever miles. I met up with Rob and Kristy but we didn't run together because I'm pretty slow but they waited for me after and it was so nice so see someone there when I finished! They're pretty rockin people! Then because I am who I am, it took me over 45minutes wandering all over to find the car. Big thanks to Roberta Gates for watching the kids for me so I could do this!
Ohh... and this cute couple found out not too long ago that they are expecting their first baby together! Kristy has a brilliant son and Rob has 2 adorable little girls so this is very exciting for them. Me too cuz I'm dubbing myself auntie Shannon! Congrats Rob and Kristy (or Brobar and KB).
Molly, Kristy and I after the race. Kristy and I before getting out sweat on!!
Kids are doing well-
Reese has started taking piano lessons from Lacey W. in our ward and he absolutely loves it!!! He's doing awesome which makes me so proud!
Rielly is loving Kindergarten and has become such a sweet and kind hearted little girl. We had a nasty lice issue which is truely my nightmare come true in her hair. Did many treatments and hrs of coming out but hopefully we got them taken care of. Not sure where they came from.. school maybe?

Of course they both make me a little crazy but I just adore them so much! (yes that is Reese tieing Rielly up to a branch... at her request! Trying to be burned at the stake?)
More posts to come... just need to find some extra time. Fall break so it's time to play!
1 comment:
I say it over & over again, but you inspire me. Running, giving up caffeine (does that mean chocolate too?), and all that good stuff make me smile-- for you. I'm too fat right now to even THINK about running even 5 measly steps. Maybe someday when I'm not prego we can long-distance train together!
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