The Breaking Dawn gets released in ohhhhh about 27hrs and 15minutes...... HOLY MOLY!!! I am so excited.
However here's the not fair stuff. It's going to be in my mailbox Saturday waiting for me and I won't even be here!!!
But did I mention how excited I am? There's so many answers I want. Do Edward and Bella do the deed? How do they do it? If he's a vampire, can he do it? Or do they have to wait until she's a vampire because apparently from what we already know, vampires can do it... just more aggressively. And does Bella become a vampire? Is Jacob really gone? Or does he come back and fight for her? Will he tell Charlie? Does he win? Does Edward win? (I'm on team Edward). Why is Bella such a whiner? Will she actually grow up in this book?
All these answers and more will be available this weekend!!!!!!!!!! Stay tuned....

OH and we're going to Hilton Head tomorrow! YAY!!!! Can't wait!!!
Uh.... are you excited? I'm glad that someone else shares my passion for the written word. I can't say that I read vampire books all that often, but I totally understand the way you feel!
I am right there with you. My sister bought it on CD so I am going to see if I can wait till I'm in the hospital again (10days
) to listen to it.
Have you watched all the trailors for the first movie?
Why does everyone always call Bella a whiner? I think she's selfless. ::pouty, petulant face::
I hope you're enjoying your vacation. =)
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