So as most of my readers know, I am an OBSESSED Twilight fanatic!!!! So imagine how elated I was when the day finally came and the movie was released! I bought tickets ahead of time so my friend and I could go Friday night. But a few other gals were planning on going to the midnight showing and after some convincing, I decided I HAD to go! How could I now when I knew others were seeing it before me!
My friends... I am in LOVE!!! Not just with Edward Cullen but with the whole darn concept of Twilight. I know there were mixed feelings about the movie just like every other movie in the world. But here's my take. If you have read the book, you know how much emotion and internal dialog there is and seriously how were they going to portray that in a movie without making it 6hrs long?? (I wouldn't have minded though...). And just like any other movie based from a book, it's going to be a little different. So with that in mind, I thought it was wonderfully done. And yes Edward Cullen is a beautiful beautiful vampire. They casted him perfectly!!! I've seen it twice now and plan to see it a few more times before it leaves theaters. It's officially my favorite movie. If you haven't seen it, go in with the expectation that it's not going to be exact as the book and knowing that there's only so much that can be put into 2 hrs and that it is indeed a love story. Read the book first!
Oh my gosh, it looks like y'all had fun. I miss all of you guys!! Even if I'm not a twilight fan, I'm sad I wasn't there with all of y'all!
I though it was funny that my husband and I had opposite reactions: I said it went too fast, he said it went too slow :)
You know, I had heard so many bad things about the books, but it turned out that all of the people that were griping about them NEVER READ THEM!
I really wasn't interested, but my mom-in-law got me the first 2 books in the series for my birthday in August. I put off reading them because I still wasn't really interested, but finally I was so bored that I started reading Twilight one afternoon. By 3:00 am I was done with it, and I was hooked! I made Andrew go out the next day & get the last 2 books. I finished each book in 1 day & must admit, I am dying to see the movie. Andy's even agreed to go with me, because he always wants a synopsis of what I'm reading, and he can't believe the stories I'm telling him. Vampires, werewolves & humans, oh my!
Now I'm reading them all again because the movie came out, and yes, I was up until 2:00 this morning finishing Eclipse. What can I say? You understand, I know. Hopefully Twilight will be at the movie theater in Safford when we're there this week for T-giving. Cross your fingers for me!
OK- I got to see it this weekend! YEA!!! I think you know how I feel, it's awesome, and I can't wait to go see it again. Maybe this time I won't have to sit in the 3rd row & crane my neck back to see. But I loved it anyway!
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