Guess what? I'm at BYU for EFY! Today was the most exciting day. I went on a plane ride for the first time and EFY starts tomorrow. I met the coolest girl. She's a counselor but I can't remember her name right now so I'll have to tell you later. I just got here and I'm practically broke! It's crazy. Beccas a coolio roomate. More tomorrow
This place is awesome. The bookstore at EFY is like a regular Wal-Mart. It's huge! Our company is rad. Oh my counselors name is K**** C****. She's the best. Oyr companys name is Green Jello. I wrote our theme song. hehehe. I went to 2 work shops. One on talents and one on finding good in people. The spirit is so strong here. The dance was fun. I danced with J** and E***- both roomates from Minnasota. They're in my company. I don't remember who else. Our devotion was so spiritual. I feel as though this place just may change my life for good!
This place rocks. WE had the best service project. It was helping PALS- handicapped people and children. It was beautiful. I just can't describe the feelings that I feel here at EFY. It's remarkable. I've learned so much just about everything. The people are awesome. We made up the corniest skit for Green Jello-cute though. I love this place. We had a concert tonight. The guy was totally awesome. Also a great singer!
Today had to have been the best day of my life. I don't know how to begin. It wasn't the best because of any events of guys or even dances. It is all the feelings I feel right now. I've never felt the spirit so much in my life and I pray this place will stay with me forever! I prayed tonight- but not just any prayer. It was so sincere and honest and true. I know that Im never alone and that I truely am a daughter of God and he loves me very very much. I could never doubt thst or that this church is true. How can it not be when I would give everything I have-even my life for it, the gospel, even Jesus Christ as he did for me. I love this place so very much. I've never been with so many young men and women who feel like I do and kmnow and beieve what I do. This is where I need to be and it was all planned out for my group and I so many years ago- before we came to earth. I feel as though we were all the best of friends before in the pre-existance. I don't want this to end or these precious peaceful feelings to leave my heart and soul. I made a goal now to become so much of a better person and friend and daughter and sister. I want to make my life pleasing unto thee and worthy to achieve all my hopes and dreams that I long for.
Today went by real fast. I met tons of guys. A couple good looking football players, 2 FINE J*****. It was funny with them because we were in the dinner line and they were singing "Lean on me" and so I did and they both hugged me. Then as all sand it. It was way cool. I think J**** B**** is the nicest best looking guy ever! Tonight for the 4th we went to Stadium of Fire. It was so awesome! Donny Osmond sang and the fire works were spectacular! Our guy counselor K**** M***** is the absolute BEST! He's a looker too and so nice and funny. I'm sad that tomorrow is the last day :(
Tonight was the last night! It was so much fun. I met a famous actor. He's duck face on Full House! He was on Jurassic Park and stuff. I got a picture w/him and I danced with him. Am I famous now? hahaha. I LOVE J**** B***!! He gave me the biggest hug. The dance was fun and I met a lot of people. I'm gonna miss this place so much! Michael Christiansen is THE BEST speaker I've ever heard! He was roommates with John Bytheway. Awesome!! It's like 2:30am now so I'm kinda tired.

1 comment:
Oh my gosh! This was my funnest EFY year ever! Mostly because we went together! You are so awesome!
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