Tis the season... OF CHAOS!!!!!
I feel like all I do lately is get on line to look for bargains for Christmas gifts and then I'm all tuckered out. But seriously..all my gifts this yr have pretty much been bought online. Can I just say I LOVE AMAZON!?!?!?
Anyways here's the rest of November in review...
Jon and I got the coolest opportunity to go to the VIP opening of Margaritaville downtown which was pretty cool. Just one big party full of free food and Margaritas (and cokes of course)..couldn't get in without a pass but thanks to Keena, we got the hookup. Super fun night on the town for us!

I want this hat!!!!
Then because of my BFF Kristy and her being pregnant and too sick to go, we got the tickets to go to our very first NFL game!!! AWESOME!!! Of course Titans lost but it was so exciting and fun just being there. And believe it or not, that was all it took to convert us to the likes of football!!

Had to do some tailgating....apparently you don't just sit in the back of a car like I thought but in camping chairs and eat! But I had to try the real thing!

I just love Nashville!

Thanksgiving also came and went. We were planning on Jeremy and his familia to join us but ended up they caught a winter bug so we enjoyed a nice quiet lunch with all the works. Jon cooked up a turkey and we pigged out!!!

My babies like those drumsticks!!

That was a lot of turkey for just the 4 of us. And that was only like 1/3rd of it!

Then that night we were invited over to Glenn and Terrys (Kristys mom and dad) house for dinner and dessert. They are so loving and inviting and we felt just like part of the family. Probably because I gave them no choice:) My kids even got to earn some extra money (because mamou can't say no!) Great night and I'm so lucky to have such great people in my families lives!

Shes making her Christmas SPREADSHEET!!! Gotta love tis girl!

We are a little bitter here that the boys felt they could go eat first!
And I think that pretty much concludes November my friends. Great month and ready for the holidays!!!! Love to you all!!!