A very special day for all of us!
We had family come from all over for him.
Grandpa and Grandma Harris from Virginia
Grandma Post from Utah
Grammy and Great-Grandma Harris (Harper) from Az
Uncle Jeremy, Patton, Emma and Madelyn from Memphis
Aunt Amber, Uncle Josh and Madison from Tx.
We were very blessed indeed!
We combined the baptism with out friends that we knew out in California, the Hawkins. Melissa turned 8 a few weeks earlier so it just seemed easier and appropriate to combine it.
Lainy Gates and Isaac Estes-Adoff prayed
Kristy Barkley gave the talk on baptism
after the baptism, there was a slideshow on the 2 kiddos
then they were confirmed by their fathers
Lacey Williams gave a talk on the Holy Ghost
Then welcomes to the primary by Sis Flukiger and ward by Bishop Boughton
Afterwards we had refreshments (thank you everyone who helped with that)
Then our family went home and we celebrated Reeses birthday with gifts and cake.
He got his very first set of scriptures which he is very excited about!
It was a very special day for our family and especially for Reese!
We are so proud of him and the decision he made!
Love you bubba!

The baptism party
a view of many in attendance
Reese, daddy and Bishop Boughton
Reese and his cousins Patton and Emma
Me with my mom and grandma and niece Madelyn
Reese and his new scripturesMaking a wish
(sorry the pics are being pulled from 2 different cameras and locations and I'm too lazy to mess with the formatting stuff on blogger)