No really... I want to know!!!
Why should you leave a comment on my blog? Well because I really like to read them for one...when I get that email telling me someone left a comment rather than a penile enhancement spam or a 0% joining fee this week (and every stinking other week)at weigh watchers email, I get warm fuzzies inside and it makes me want to write more crap about my personal life!
Since I can't tell you my news in person, I am interested in who knows what's going on and giving me feedback so I can go back and take that into consideraton! And in a yr or two when you don't like me anymore, I can go back and remember when... *sigh*..
And mainly darn it, I want to know who pays enough attention to take a few moments out of their lives to nose into mine!!
So if you're reading this, please please PLEASE comment on here so I know who you are! And if you have a blog that I don't have listed on mine, tell me and I'll stalk you back!

I blog stalk you all the time! :) You make me laugh and cry, and it's good to keep up on your family. I feel the same way about comments on my blog... wondering if anyone out there is really reading it.
P.S. In a few years I'm still gonna like you, so I guess you are stuck with me!
Now wait a minute! I comment on almost every single one of your posts! But then, I guess you aren't talking to me, huh? Cuz I'm awesome like that. :)
And hey- in 2 years I'll still luv you & you'll still luv me. Maybe in 2 years we'll live next door to one another! Although that would require you moving back West, because it's too flippin' cold where you live!
Luv ya!
Im me!!! Khourt from PO... Ive been a long time stalker of your blog. I try to comment every time I read a persons blog. I hate lurking in the shadows. And as a blogger myself I know how fun it is to get comments.
i am amanda! :) & i definitely stalk you!
It's me! I'm reading! :)
I'm the cousin-in-law you've never met. Yes, I have a blog. Have you seen it?? I really don't know??
Me me me!!! I love to read your blog and love updates. I was just wondering today how your sweet Riley is doing and how everything is going for you too. So keep the updates coming because I'm certainly checking!
I'm stalking you Shannon! I love reading your blog cuz you are always doing something so fun! What an awesome life you have. It's great!!:)
It's ME - Christy Jett :)
So good to see your fabulous self on Sunday. You are looking fantastic!! I am so mad I didn't put two and two together about your text and Chili's (grrr...I'm a dummmy!).
I am a loyal reader of your blog. I love hearing about your wonderful family and about you. You are so sincere and full of life. I LOVE it!
I'm not sure if you follow my blog - I'm not very good at keeping up with it but I try. Here it is just in case you want to catch up on my little ones.
Lots of Hugs,
This is Manda (Lines). I love reading your blog (and other peoples from "home") because it makes me less homesick. I like thinking that no matter where people live once you "grow up" if you're raised in a small town you still have that history together. Plus you're always doing so much that I want to live vicariously through you. =)
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