***the pictures on this post are totally sized weird.. I apologize!!***
Last weekend we took the time to just spend the days as a family (with the exception of church of course). Too often we get caught up in being busy and running here and there that we don't just spend as much time together as we would like.
So Saturday morning we just hung around lazily until Rielly had ballet class and we all took her to it. Jon and Reese went to get sodas while I waited for the class to end (that's our Saturday tradition.. ballet and QT!).

Then when she got done, off to the pumpkin patch we went. I wasn't impressed with the pumpkin selection but the kids had fun and we got to take a hayride and feed the animals and just hang out for a bit. We didn't buy a pumpkin there.. we went to WalMart and picked out 2 (3.50/each!). Then Jon and Reese carved one while I worked on Riellys class Halloween treats.

I would post more but Reese just sprayed 5 squirts of my Sangria Scentsy spray and if you know anything about that- it's stinkin STRONG and it's filling up the whole house. I HAVE A HEADACHE!
More pics and stuff to come when the air clears!
HOLEY MOLEY you look like a teenager!!! You are so fresh faced and beautiful!!! It seriously looks like you just graduated high school!! What's your secret???? Your Halloween treats for both kiddos are so cute! Very clever, Shannon!
You're so talented, cute treats for the kiddos. I also enjoy family days, it seems that everyone is happier, and the woes of the world are put on the back burner. And I got a headache just thinking about the smell of 5 Sangria squirts. :c)
What a fun place. Where did you guys go?
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