This yr for our long 3day weekend over Memorial Day, we decided to take a trip to Chattanooga, TN. It's only a little over an hr away so why not?!?! I mentioned to my friend Meredith that we were going and it turns out her husband was wanting to run a marathon there at the same time so it worked out that we were able to meet up so our families could spend time together. Our hotel rooms were right next door to each other which made it convienant for the kids to go back and forth and to make plans. We had to take advantage of the hotel pool of course. We also got to go to Ruby Falls ( and spend a few hrs there.. beautiful place! The Mortimers were also nice enough to take our kids out for a few hrs to Chuck-e-Cheese so Jon and I got a bit of quiet time. The only dissapointing thing we did was take the Incline Train ( up lookout mtn. It was very expensive-- the kids enjoyed it but we could have easily saved the money and drove up the mtns ourselves. But at least we can say we did it:) And the view was breathtaking.. not $42 breathtaking but still.. beautiful! Next time we go, we'll have to check out Rock City.
Fresh faced and ready to go into the caves
Checking out the rocks before we start the tour
Reese, Rielly, Noah and Katy ready to go!
Wow.... creation is such a beautiful thing!
Happy to be several hundred feet below the ground!
Leave it to me to take a picture of a donkey butt!
There is so much beauty that we don't even realize!
This waterfall is millions of yrs old... I was playing with my flash on this one The Mortimer family at Ruby Falls (look how tan Meredith.. good grief!)
Our family at the falls.. (me- not so tan)
View from the castle tower at Ruby Falls Yeah- it had been a long day!!
But the kids slept good!!!
Well.. it kept the boys entertained!
She said this was an ice cream cone.... Pool time!!! This pool was weird.. it went from 5ft right to 12ft! No in between!
She was so floatied up that there was no way she would sink.. but she STILL wouldn't leave the side of the pool!
The kids enjoying some cardboard... I mean PIZZA at Chuck-e-cheese
I sure have a thing with taking these types of pics don't I?
Before we could take the train, the kids wanted to be part of the little group playing at the station. They're not shy at all. Rielly just walked up and asked if she could play an instrument!
Before going up the mtn! The kids did great.. me not so much. I hate heights and this went STRAIGHT up and STRAIGHT down! I had to check with several people to make sure the train never came off the rails.
This is the view from the top of the mtn we just went up. That line is the track we actually had to take to get down.
At Boston Elementary, they had their first ever mini Relay for Life.. it was absolutely adorable! The kids were told about how they can help cure this horrible disease- by raising money and then walking for awareness. I was fortunate to be able to witness these little kids walking (okay some were running) in the heat in support to finding a cure.
Before the event, Reese was asking questions like how can walking help kick out cancer and why they need money, etc. I explained to him that his papa died from complications with cancer and so he is walking in his papas honor and how helping kick out cancer, it can help a lot of other families not have to go through the saddness of loosing a loved one.
The first lap, the kids all held up a sign and walked in silence in remembrance of all those lives lost from cancer.
And then the race was on!!! The kids just walked.. and walked... and walked.... and I had to be fast enough to keep track of all the kids in his class and how many laps they ran.
Reese was very sad because their class didn't win the prize of the most laps but I was still pretty darn proud of him!!
Such a sad time.. looks like our times at TLC Preschool have come to an end. When we first moved to Georgia, I decided Reese needed some interaction with other kids so I randomly called preschools in the area and came across TLC.. they had an opening and I grabbed it right away. It was one of the best things I could have done! He loved it, I loved it, they loved him.. it was perfect! So of course when it was time for Rielly to go to preschool, there was just no other option but to send her to TLC as well. Never once was I dissapointed! She has just thrived there. And the teachers and staff... man I just can't say enough about them! There's just something special about your childrens very first teachers. I entrusted them to the care of my baby 3 days a week. They're the first people to expose her to school and education other than us and Dora the Explorer. So when it was time for her to leave, it was a bit emotional. But here's some pictures of her last few days of school:)
Getting ready for Preschool "Fun Day".
Our of everything she could have gotten painted on her face, she picked the WalMart happy face! Silly girl
Rielly and the fabulous Miss Kelly!
There was a boy at the school named Reese so Rielly called him "school Reese" and he called her "the Rielly with curly hair". Rielly ready for her last day of school. Can you believe that hair?!?!? Getting her diploma. She was named "More Artistic". She draws and draws and draws.. on anything and everything!!
This is her other teacher Miss June (pronounced Ju-nay)
This is the school "principal" or whatever you call it.. Miss Shelly. Abbie, Amelia and Rielly.. 2 of her little girlfriends from the school.
Goodbye TLC!
**bonus** We LOVE Chick-fil-a!!!
If anyone is ever looking for a preschool in the Woodstock/Towne Lake area, I highly recomment TLC Church!!!
Last Friday ended up quite a fun pamper ourselves kinda day!!! I am a sucker for a pedicure but I just never can get them as often as I wanted. So my friend Cheryl had her birthday and she's not too big on pampering herself so I figured I should splurge and take her for her first ever pedi! My good friend Ellen also joined us for the relaxing morning!!
Name that foot... well OBVIOUSLY mine are the rediculously PINK toes!!!
That night my friend Brenda and I with her neighbor Shelba and all our little girls went to get their toes painted. What a perfect way to start the summer!!
Rielly was very funny about it. She loves being spoiled and of course she HAD to have her toes match mamas so the first thing she did was pick out the brightest pink she could find!
The boys also had a guys night while we went out and had a great time hanging out together. I think we need to have these special times more often!
We have been a family for going on 13 years now, having been joined by 2 children in that time and we are living in Nashville, TN! We love our lives.. the hardships, the struggles, the joys and the laughter. It's forever so we might as well have fun! Enjoy the days of our lives as crazy as they may be!!