I have to apologize first because these pics aren't in order... sorry about that. But after almost 3yrs of living here in GA, we finally made our first trip to the Atlanta Aquarium. It's not cheap by any means but the kids really liked it and so it was worth the visit. We were fortunate to have grammy, Aunt Peggy (my sister) her husband Dwight and baby Jonah as well as my brother Uncle Gary with us. It was a fun weekend and very nice to have company.

Who wouldn't want their pic with a ton of Nemos?

And a big ol scary penguin?

This fish was a trip.. he just would stare at us!

yeah opps this pic needs turned.. oh well. Reese was petting something weird.

I didn't like these guys so much but you could pet them too!

My and the happy kiddos

Peggy, Mom, Gary and me

Not sure how I feel about these guys...


Ahh he loves me

Our family at the aquarium

I think it's supposed to look like they're swimming

You get to walk through this tunnel and there are fish and sharkes and other stuff all around. It was awesome!!

Just more big weird creepy fish

Gary and the kiddos

Grammy and the kids
How fun to be able to do that with so much family. It looks like your kids were having a great time!
Looks like you guys had a blast! That's great that you got to have aome of your family come out and visit you!
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