Reese started 1st grade at a new school -Maxwell Elementary- on Friday. He was SO excited because 1st grade is soooo much older and smarter than kindergarten according to him. And he just looked so darn grown up too! They wear uniforms here in this area which definately makes him look like a little man!
At the bus stop

So after school (it was just a half day), I took the kids up to Opry Mills to meet up with Jon for lunch. He mentioned his car was acting up so we went out to make sure it starts and sure enough.. nothing!!! After several jumps, the battery would not hold a charge! Sure enough.. bad alternater. Jack and Susie drove over to see if they could help out but not much can be done when the alternater isn't working. So we called a tow truck (after MANY hot hrs of trying to get it running) and got the car home.

I wish some old friends would move to my neck of the woods! Or me move to theirs, whatever, it would just be nice.
Wow Reese looks so grown up in his uniform. I'm so sad for Lorin having to start at a new school. You'll have to tell me secrets to moving really quick.
I cannot believe next year both of your babies will be in school!!! *sniff* Reese really does look so grown up and handsome in his uniform. Does Riley miss him all day? Do you like uniforms? Is Jon drinking a vanilla coke??? A man after my own heart! I miss vanilla coke....
Geez- I'm glad I'm not the only one whose car is on the fritz. Luckily ours was an easy fix, too.
Reese looks so handsome in his uniform. How nice not to have to choose outfits every day! But, um, when did his teacher graduate from middle school- seriously, she looks like she's about 13! But maybe that's just me feeling so OLD!!
Love the school pictures! Sorry I missed you guys when you were in town. Catch you next time - HUGS to you all!!
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