It's Friday! Friday Friday Friday... Happy Friday!
This is what we woke up to!
Yeah.. that makes 4. And makes for a pretty CRAPPY morning! This is getting stinkin rediculous! So needless to say, 11 more months and we're OUT of this complex for sure!
We're planning on going to a ward campout tonight. Should be fun...? Sadly today I'm feeling a little blue (da be know the rest). So I need to buck up so can enjoy ourselves tonight. I just have a hard time around people that don't really know me-always worrying about what they think...lame I know. And Jons pretty quiet so I guess we'll see how it goes. Must. Have. Fun!! We've actually never been camping together as a family of 4 so again... must. have. fun!!!

Good luck getting to know some new friends tonight. Eat a S'more for me!
That. Is. Gross!! Maybe it's the last one? Good luck with the camping thing. Our ward is going camping over Labor Day weekend. I laughed at the bishop when he asked if we were going. I like camping, but not with that many people. It is a good way to get to know people. Enjoy!
I hope you guys have a great campout!
Good luck with the camp out and I hope you have some fun. You are so funny and cute and I'm sure you will have tons of friends in your ward in no time!
So???? What's the verdict? Was it fun???? ;P
Timber.. SO GLAD we went!!!! You did such an awesome job. Enough of that insecurity crap for me huh?!?! Just next time, please keep your kids under control eh? ;)
Hey chica, sounds like you are having lots of fun. Glad you found my blog I am going to have to add you to my list so I can keep track of you. I don't get on facebook much so maybe this will work better. Your kids are ADORABLE!!
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