Being west coast people, snow is such a rare sight. Who could have thought we'd get some here in Nashville?!?!? But we did... and this family really wasn't prepared for this type of thing but we made due with what we had and had a great time! This was from our end of Jan "storm" we had. The snow was great... until it turned to ice and the roads were so bad that we couldn't leave for seriously 3 days!!! Talk about cabin fever in our little box that we live in! Enjoy the pictures of our fun day(s).

Harris Family

Daddy and his kiddos

mommy and my babies with the sun blaring down

The love of my life!!!

Jon was able to clean off the snow/ice from our windshield in 2-3 pieces!

opps.. guess these pics are a little out of order

Self portrait of US

Rielly found a chair... here she is with her "brother" George

Jon cleaning off his car... well actually he was throwing snowballs at Reese

Me and my snow bunny (although shes done in like 10 minutes)

The hills in front of our apartment were covered so we took some rubbermaid tote lids and the kids had fun sliding... Reese more than Rielly but she did go down a few times.

our snow covered hills

This was right before she biffed it down the hill

This little guy was in heaven!!!!

nice.... a little joke for this poor SUV
And as Im looking out the window right now, it is once again.... snowing!
It snowed here 2. My snowman fell down :(
great photos what a lovely family you have. check out my blog we live in VA and got 30+ inches the snow on the cars. Mother nature provded. Can you believe it?
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