Since Jon and I have been trying to get more in shape and active, we decided to go find a trail or track we can start jogging on. We found one and loaded up the kids and off we went. Reese is going to be in a country music marathon soon sponcered by the YMCA so we also figured we should start working with him. Win Win right? Yeah not so much.
Jon and Reese took off jogging and Reese did awesome keeping up. I stayed back with Rielly.. who after about 5 minutes started whining. She jogged with me for a few steps and then was too tired. Then her feet her. Then she was hot. And tired. And needed to rest. And was not having any fun. The boys were so far ahead of us that we just kept on walking the trail. Never having been there before, we didn't know that at a certain point, it split off. We could either turn or go straight. I figured either way would be a big circle and we'd get back to the boys eventually. Yeah again not so much. We went straight. And walked.. and walked.. and Rielly cried and whined and mommy barked and fumed because of said whining and crying. All the while I thought I'd catch up with the boys because it had to circle back. It just had to! Nope. About 1.5miles down this path, it ended. And no sign of my boys. Silly me also wasn't carrying my phone. So I was a little worried and stressed (because of the whining and crying) so we stopped to say a quick prayer so we would know what we should do at this point. Should we wait? Walk back? Leave Rielly there? (jk). So we started walking back. Rielly was crying harder because her feet hurt so bad. So I put her on my back. She's not light by any means. And I walked and huffed and fumed for about a mile and just had to put her down. So she walked in her socks until we got back to the turn off that we should have taken in the first place. Low and behold... there was Jon and Reese headed towards us. Poor Reese was freakin out because he thought we were lost :(. Moral of the story? If you have a phone, carry the darn thing and never go straight when theres the option to turn....
We spent the afternoon hanging out while I made a few cards and the kids played with their new Easter goodies.

My new Ketto stamp...

Easter cards
Then we went over to the Hawkins for an Easter dinner and egg hunt with them and the Gates. Good times with friends!!

omg! john looks awesome! i wanna see pictures of you lady! i bet you look pretty amazing as well! :)
I love the moral of the story is to never go straight when there is an option to turn. That cracked me up!!
I was laughing the whole time I was reading this. But just think of all of the extra calories you burned packing around that dead weight whiner! J/K! She is a cutie- and she reminds me of my Emma. It sure is a good thing we love our kiddos, huh?
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