While the rain was coming down, we seemed to have forgotten that 2/3rds of our household items were put into storage when we moved here. We have pulled things out since then but still had a very full storage unit. It's located behind our building.... remember the picture a few posts back showing the back of our apartment complex? The storage is just beyond that. So can you guess what happened? Yup- flooded!!! Jon drove over Tuesday night and our unit was locked where we couldn't even get in to unlock our door. WTH?!?!? So I went Wed and still locked. After talking to the lady (who was nasty in every way), she said there was some dehumidifyer that she didn't want stolen so she refused to let me into my unit!! Again.. um WTH??? Later that day I got a call to check out our unit to check for flood damage. Nice!!!!!! So I was able to get in and.. not a pretty site. Needless to say, about 2/3rds of that stuff was not salvageable. I mean our huge sectional, desk, entertainment center, BBQ, mattresses, huge barbie house, boxes of books, music, Christmas stuff, pictures, ALL our food storage.... I can go on and on and on with the little things. What we kept fit into the back of a small pickup truck (thank you Tim and Berta) and was able to be put into our friends garage (thank you Susie!). And while I'm shouting out, thank you Tim, Berta, Susie, Kristy and Allison for coming out to help us. And all the others who offered and called and genuinly cared about helping us.
The hardest to see damaged was my dads journal :( Thats priceless to me! And the kids blessing outfits.. they got wet but Im determined to save those.
Yeah it could have been worse. Always can be. But darn it.. this sucked!!!!!!! Even though it's just stuff, it's OUR stuff and it means something to us. Or it did...

Oh no! That's truly awful. Is any of it covered by insurance? Yes, it could've been worse, but that is definitely bad enough!
Oh, that's so sad! I'm sorry that happened - especially to the journal and blessing clothes. :(
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